How do I join the Scheme?
You will need to apply by clicking on ‘Apply Here’ and then completing the on-line form for Elmbridge Borough Council. This form is in two parts, the first part of which will indicate if you will qualify to join, and generate an action plan with housing options information. If applicable, you will then need to complete the second part for it to be submitted.
Once you have submitted your full application it will be assessed by the social and supported housing team.Y ou will normally be asked to provide information to confirm the content you have given on parts of your application such as proof of residence, local connection, income and identity. Your application will be considered and you will be awarded a priority band if your application is accepted. This may take a couple of weeks. You will be sent an email advising the outcome of the assessment and what to do next. Further information about using the scheme can be found in the other help guides. Information about what the banding means for can be found in the scheme guides.